Arctic - province |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
1667 |
Atlantic Ocean |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
1667 |
Cape Verde |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
822 |
Caribbean Sea |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
822 |
Central Indo-Pacific |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
844 |
Cocos-Keeling/Christmas Island |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
844 |
Cold Temperate Northeast Pacific |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
1667 |
East Bering Sea |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
1667 |
Eastern Bering Sea |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
1667 |
Galapagos |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
822 |
Gulf of California |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
822 |
Gulf of Guinea |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
822 |
Gulf of Guinea Central |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
822 |
Gulf of Guinea West |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
822 |
Gulf of Mexico |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
1667 |
Indian Ocean |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
844 |
Java Transitional |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
844 |
Pacific Central-American Coastal |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
844 |
Pacific Ocean |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
1667 |
Panama Bight |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
822 |
Sahelian Upwelling |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
822 |
South Brazil Shelf |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
93541 |
Southwestern Caribbean |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
822 |
Temperate Northern Pacific |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
822 |
Tropical Atlantic |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
822 |
Tropical East Pacific |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
822 |
Tropical Eastern Pacific |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
822 |
Tropical Northwestern Atlantic |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
822 |
West African Transition |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
822 |