Adriatic Sea |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105851 |
Aegean Sea |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105847 |
Angolan |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
75620 |
Arctic |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
120663 |
Arctic - province |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
96908 |
Atlantic Ocean |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
2214 |
Azores Canaries Madeira |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
3477 |
Balearic Islands |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105217 |
Bermuda |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
75620 |
Canary Current |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
76740 |
Cape Verde |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
75620 |
Celtic-Biscay Shelf |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105850 |
Central Arctic |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
2214 |
Cold Temperate Northwest Atlantic |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
79146 |
Crete Island |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
79146 |
Eastern Caribbean |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
3477 |
Galician Shelf |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105849 |
Guianan |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105848 |
Gulf of Guinea |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
75620 |
Gulf of Guinea South |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
75620 |
Gulf of Guinea West |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
3477 |
Gulf of Mexico |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
75620 |
Ionian Sea |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
79398 |
Lusitanian |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
3477 |
Mediterranean Sea |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
75620 |
North Brazil Shelf |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105848 |
North Sea |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
75620 |
Northern European Seas |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
75620 |
Northern Gulf of Mexico |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105967 |
Saharan Upwelling |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
3477 |
Sahelian Upwelling |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105853 |
Sardinia Island |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105844 |
Temperate Northern Atlantic |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
75620 |
Tropical Atlantic |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
75620 |
Virginian |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105970 |
Warm Temperate Northwest Atlantic |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
105967 |
West African Transition |
sea/bay/gulf |
native |
75620 |
Western Mediterranean |
Sea/Bay/Gulf |
native |
105844 |