Ecosystems where Sthenoteuthis pteropus occurs
n = 33
Ekosystem Typ Status Ref.
Angolan Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1667
Azores Canaries Madeira Sea/Bay/Gulf native 843
Azores Islands Sea/Bay/Gulf native 125695
Bahamian Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Benguela sea/bay/gulf native 275
Bermuda Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Cape Verde Sea/Bay/Gulf native 125695
Caribbean Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Eastern Caribbean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Greater Antilles Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Guianan Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Guinea Current Sea/Bay/Gulf native 417
Gulf of Guinea sea/bay/gulf native 417
Gulf of Guinea Central Sea/Bay/Gulf native 417
Gulf of Guinea South Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Gulf of Guinea Upwelling Sea/Bay/Gulf native 417
Gulf of Guinea West Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Gulf of Mexico Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1667
Lusitanian sea/bay/gulf native 275
Mediterranean Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
North Brazil Shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Saharan Upwelling Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Sahelian Upwelling Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Southern Caribbean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Southwestern Caribbean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Temperate Northern Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 275
Tropical Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 275
Tropical Northwestern Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 275
Tunisian Plateau/Gulf of Sidra Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
West African Transition sea/bay/gulf native 275
Western Caribbean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
Western Mediterranean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 275
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