Ecosystems where Styela rustica occurs
n = 18
Écosystème Type Statut Réf.
Arctic Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3448
Arctic - province Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3448
Atlantic Ocean Sea/Bay/Gulf native 1369
Baffin Bay Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3448
Baffin Bay - Davis Strait Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3448
Baltic Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3399
Barents Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3527
Beaufort Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3448
Beaufort Sea - continental coast and shelf Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3448
Central Arctic Sea/Bay/Gulf native 118460
Chukchi Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 119353
Cold Temperate Northeast Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 3448
Hudson Bay Complex Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3448
North and East Barents Sea Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3399
Northern Bering - Chukchi Seas Sea/Bay/Gulf native 119353
Northern European Seas Sea/Bay/Gulf native 3399
Temperate Northern Atlantic sea/bay/gulf native 3399
Temperate Northern Pacific sea/bay/gulf native 3705
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