SeaLifeBase References Starting with 'W'
[n=1505]Ref. No. | Author | Year | Citation |
115821 | Waay-Juico, M.C. | 2014 |
115821, 2014, Species diversity of sea stars along the intertidal zones of selected areas in Davao Gulf, Philippines.
Environment and Natural Resources Research 4(4). |
80058 | Wabnitz, C. and D. Pauly | 2008 |
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118143 | Wacasey, J.W. | 1975 |
118143, 1975, Biological productivity of the Southern Beaufort Sea: zoobenthic studies.
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90699 | Wacasey, J.W. and E.G. Atkinson | 1987 |
90699, 1987, Energy values of marine benthic invertebrates from the Canadian Arctic.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 39:243-250. |
108626 | Wada, K. | 1978 |
108626, 1978, Two forms of Macrophthalmus japonicus de Haan (Crustacea: Brachyura).
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103132 | Wada, K. and D. Wowor | 1990 |
103132, 1990, Foraging on mangrove pneumatophores by ocypodid crabs.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 134(2):89-100. |
104820 | Wada, K. and I. Murata | 2000 |
104820, 2000, Chimney building in the fiddler crab Uca arcuata.
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113552 | Wada, K., A. Komiyama and K. Ogino | 1987 |
113552, 1987, Underground vertical distribution of macrofauna and root in a mangrove forest of southern Thailand.
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97640 | Wada, K., R. Fukao, T. Nishida and Y. Yanagisawa | 1983 |
97640, 1983, Distribution and growth of the gastropod <>Strombus luhuanus at Shirahama, Japan.
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108653 | Wada, Y., T. Kato, H. Kuroda and S. Takenaka | 2006 |
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127913 | Waddell, B. and J.R. Pawlik | 2000 |
127913, 2000, Defenses of Caribbean sponges against invertebrate predators. II. Assays with sea stars.
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126887 | Waddell, B.J., C.M. Crossley, D.P. Tzotzos, R.I. Perry and D. Kensall | 2002 |
126887, 2002, Survey results of green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) populations in Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia, November 1996 and February, 1997
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81148 | Waddy, S.L., D.E. Aiken and D.P.V. de Klejin | 1995 |
81148, 1995, Control of growth and reproduction.
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84863 | Wade, B., R. Brown, C. Hanson, L. Alexander, R. Hubbard and B. Lopez | 1981 |
84863, 1981, The development of a low-technology oysterculture industry in Jamaica.
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105311 | Wade, C.M. and P.B. Mordan | 2000 |
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80340 | Wadsworth, J., T.S. Getchis and N. Balcom | 2003 |
80340, 2003, Razor clam, Ensis directus, growth rates in Niantic River, Connecticut.
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128552 | Waerebeek, K.V., R. Leaper, A.N. Baker, V. Papastavrou, D. Thiele, K. Findlay, G. Donovan and P. Ensor | 2010 |
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105414 | Wafar, M.M. | 1974 |
105414, 1974, Biochemical composition of the Lamellibranchs Meretix casta (Chemnitz) and Sanguinolaria diphos (Gmelin).
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108686 | Wägele, H. | 2004 |
108686, 2004, Potential key characters in Opisthobranchia (Gastropoda, Mollusca) enhancing adaptive radiation.
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108624 | Wägele, H. and A. Klussmann-Kolb | 2005 |
108624, 2005, Opisthobranchia (Mollusca, Gastropoda) - more than just slimy slugs. Shell reduction and its implications on defence and foraging.
Frontiers in Zoology 2(3):1-18. |
3447 | Wägele, J.-W. | 1990 |
3447, 1990, Growth in captivity and aspects of reproductive biology of the Antarctic fish parasite Aega antarctica (Crustacea, Isopoda).
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117936 | Wagele, J.W. | 1985 |
117936, 1985, Observations on nutrition and ultrastructure of digestive tract and fat body of the giant paranthurid Accalathura gigantissima Kussakin.
Polar Biology 4(1):33-43. |
3028 | Waggett, J.R. and L.J. Sullivan | 2006 |
3028, 2006, Feeding efficiency of the larval ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz (Ctenophore, Lobata).
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3026 | Waggett, R. and J.H. Costello | 1999 |
3026, 1999, Capture mechanisms used by the lobate ctenophore, Mnemiopsis leidyi, preying on the Copepod Acartia tonsa.
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6547, 1983, Population changes of the Australasian Gannet Morus serrator (Gray) at the Motu Karamarama gannetry, Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand.
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119620 | Wagner, D. | 2011 |
119620, 2011, The biology and ecology of Hawaiian black corals (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia: Antipatharia).
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123306 | Wagner, D. and D.M. Opresko | 2015 |
123306, 2015, Description of a new species of Leiopathes (Antipatharia: Leiopathidae) from the Hawaiian Islands.
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123305 | Wagner, D., A. Barkman, H. Spalding, B. Calcinai and L.S. Godwin | 2016 |
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120218 | Wagner, D., D.G. Luck and R.J, Toonen | 2012 |
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123396 | Wagner, D., R.G. Waller and R.J. Toonen | 2011 |
123396, 2011, Sexual reproduction of Hawaiian black corals, with a review of the reproduction of antipatharians (Cnidaria: Anthozoa: Hexacorallia).
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101223 | Wagner, D., S.E. Kahng and R.J. Toonen | 2007 |
101223, 2007, New report of nudibranch predators of the invaisve octocoral Carijoa riisei in the Main Hawaiian Islands.
Coral Reefs 26(2):411. |
125448 | Wagner, F.J. | 1979 |
125448, 1979, Distribution of pelecypods and gastropods in the Bay of Fundy and eastern Gulf of Maine.
Proc. N.S. Inst. Sci. 29:447-464. |
105402 | Wagner, F.J.E. | 1980 |
105402, 1980, A faunal interpretation of tidal evolution in Minas Basin, Nova Scotia.
Géographie physique et Quaternaire 34(2):253-257. |
115816 | Wahab, M.A.A., R. de Nys, R. Holzman, C.L. Schneider and S. Whalan | 2017 |
115816, 2017, Patterns of reproduction in two co-occurring Great Barrier Reef sponges.
Marine and Freshwater Research 68:1233-1244. |
90713 | Wahbeh, M.I. | 1988 |
90713, 1988, Seasonal distribution and variation in the nutritional quality of different fractions of two seagrass species from Aqaba (Red Sea), Jordan.
Aquatic Botany 32:383-392. |
104999 | Waheed, M.E. and T. Gareb | 2010 |
104999, 2010, A study on the morphology, digestive and reproductive systems of male squid Sepioteuthis lessoniana (Cephalopoda: Loliginidae) from Abo Qir on the Mediterranean Sea.
J. Biol. Sci. 6(1):125-141. |
106047 | Wahidullah, S., Y.W. Guo, I.M.I. Fakhr and E. Mollo | 2006 |
106047, 2006, Chemical diversity in opisthobranch molluscs from scarcely investigated Indo-Pacific areas.
In Molluscs (pp. 175-198). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. |
92055 | Wahizatul-Afzan, A., J. Julia and A. Amirrudin | 2006 |
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6012 | Wahl, T.R. | 1985 |
6012, 1985, The distribution of Buller's Shearwater (Puffinus bulleri) in the North Pacific Ocean.
Notornis 32:109-117. |
6670 | Wahl, T.R. | 1984 |
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6671 | Wahl, T.R. | 1986 |
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6676 | Wahl, T.R. | 1978 |
6676, 1978, Seabirds in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean and South Central Bering Sea in June 1975.
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6630 | Wahl, T.R., K.H. Morgan and K. Vermeer | 1993 |
6630, 1993, Seabird distribution off British Columbia and Washington.
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111649 | Wahle, R., A. MacDiarmid, M. Butler and A. Cockcroft | 2011 |
111649, 2011, Jasus frontalis.
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104050 | Wahle, R.A. | 1985 |
104050, 1985, The feeding ecology of Crangon franciscorum and Crangon nigricauda in San Francisco Bay, California.
Journal of Crustacean Biology 5(2):311-326. |
106894 | Wahle, R.A. and L.S. Incze | 1997 |
106894, 1997, Pre- and post-settlement processes in recruitment of the American lobster.
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 217(2):179-207. |
96186 | Wahle, R.A., C.E. Bergeron, A.S. Chute, L.D. Jacobson and Y. Chen | 2008 |
96186, 2008, The northwest Atlantic deep-sea red crab (Chaceon quinquedens) population before and after the onset of harvesting.
ICES Journal of Marine Science 65(6):862-872. |
122061 | Wahle, R.A., D. Tshudy, J.S. Cobb, J. Factor and M. Jaini | 2012 |
122061, 2012, Infraorder Astacidea Latreille, 1802 p.p.: the marine clawed lobsters.
pp. 1-108 Schram, F.R.; Klein, V. (eds) Treatise on Zoology - Anatomy, Taxonomy, Biology THE CRUSTACEA, volume 9, part B. |
123042 | Wahyuningrum, M., N. Afiati and D. Harwanto | 2014 |
123042, 2014, Karakteristik Pertumbuhan Cumi Kuping (Euprymna Morsei, Verrill) Yang Didaratkan Di Ppi Tambaklorok, Semarang.
Management of Aquatic Resources Journal 3(1):116-124. |
125490 | Wai, H.Y. | 2009 |
125490, 2009, Effects of deployment of artificial reefs on the marine benthic environment, with special reference to sediment physico-chemical characteristics.
Hong Kong: Kowloon, City University of Hong Kong, MSc Thesis, 215 p. |
106649 | Wai, T.C., K.M. Leung, R.S. Wu, P.K. Shin, S.G. Cheung, X.Y. Li and J.H. Lee | 2011 |
106649, 2011, Stable isotopes as a useful tool for revealing the environmental fate and trophic effect of open-sea-cage fish farm wastes on marine benthic organisms with different feeding guilds.
Marine Pollution Bulletin 63(5);77-85. |
128999 | Waiho, K., M. Mustaqim, H. Fazhan, W.I.W. Norfaizza, F.H. Megat and M. Ikhwannudin | 2015 |
128999, 2015, Mating behaviour of the orange mud crab, Scylla olivacea: The effect of sex ratio and stocking density on mating success.
Aquaculture Reports 2:50-57. |
6110 | Wainright, S.C., J.C. Haney, C. Kerr, A.N. Golovkin and M.V. Flint | 1998 |
6110, 1998, Utilization of nitrogen derived from seabird guano by terrestrial and marine plants at St. Paul, Pribilof Islands, Bering Sea, Alaska.
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112087 | Wakabayashi, K., S. Nagai and Y. Tanaka | 2016 |
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80853 | Wake, L.V. and L.W. Hillen | 1979 |
80853, 1979, Nature and hydrocarbon content of blooms of the alga Botryococcus braunii occurring in Australian freshwater lakes.
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104487 | Wakida-Kusunoki, A.T. and C.L. Mackenzie Jr | 2004 |
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86450 | Walker, A. | 1901 |
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90697 | Walker, D.I. and A.J. McComb | 1988 |
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127112 | Walker, G. | 1994 |
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5288 | Walker, K. and G. Elliott | 2002 |
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65364, 2002, Monitoring Gibson's wandering albatross, 1997/98.
DOC Science Internal Series, Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand 69:19 pp. |
5358 | Walker, K., G. Elliott, D. Nicholls, D. Murray and P. Dilks | 1995 |
5358, 1995, Satellite tracking of Wandering Albatross (Diomedea exulans) from the Auckland Islands: Preliminary results.
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5289 | Walker, K., S. Hamilton, A. Wiltshire and G. Elliott | 2002 |
5289, 2002, Monitoring Gibson's wandering albatross, 2000/01.
DOC Science Internal Series, Department of Conservation, Wellington, New Zealand 72:27 pp. |
90695 | Walker, M., P.A. Tyler and D.S.M. Billet | 1987 |
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Marine Biology 96:277-282. |
8902 | Walker, M.H. | 1978 |
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2596 | Walker, R.H. | 1984 |
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78153 | Walker, R.L. | 1998 |
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125659 | Walker, R.L. | 1981 |
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127359 | Walker, R.L. and K.W. Gales | 2001 |
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105344 | Walker, S.E. and C.E. Brett | 2002 |
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116816 | Walker, S.J., T.A. Schlacher and M.A. Schlacher-Hoenlinger | 2007 |
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6065 | Walker, T. | 1986 |
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5192 | Walker, T.A. | 1988 |
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5195 | Walker, T.A. | 1988 |
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5970 | Walker, T.A. | 1986 |
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6064 | Walker, T.A. | 1987 |
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6439 | Walker, T.A. | 1989 |
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6428 | Walker, T.A. | 1989 |
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6434 | Walker, T.A. | 1989 |
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6437 | Walker, T.A. | 1988 |
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6510 | Walker, T.A. | 1989 |
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6722 | Walker, T.A. | 1986 |
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6383 | Walker, T.A. and A. Oldroyd | 1991 |
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6386 | Walker, T.A. and E.J. Hegerl | 1986 |
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6430 | Walker, T.A. and K. Hulsman | 1989 |
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6445 | Walker, T.A. and M.E. Jones | 1986 |
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6446 | Walker, T.A. and M.E. Jones | 1986 |
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Corella 10(3):95-97. |
6384 | Walker, T.A. and M.E. Jones | 1986 |
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Corella 10(3):93-94. |
6385 | Walker, T.A. and M.E. Jones | 1986 |
6385, 1986, Seabird Islands. No. 165. Bylund Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
Corella 10(3):91-92. |
6424 | Walker, T.A. and M.E. Jones | 1986 |
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Corella 10:89-90. |
6431 | Walker, T.A., M.E. Jones and F. Savage | 1989 |
6431, 1989, Seabird Islands. No. 195. Thomas Cay, Great Barrier Reef, Queensland.
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8823 | Walker, W.A. | 1996 |
8823, 1996, Summer feeding habits of Dall's porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli, in the southern Sea of Okhotsk.
Marine Mammal Science 12(2):167-181. |
3384 | Walker-Smith, G.K. | 2000 |
3384, 2000, Levinebalia maria, a new genus and new species of leptostraca (Crustacea) from Australia.
Memoirs of Museum Victoria 58(1):137-148. |
3385 | Walker-Smith, G.K. and G.C.C. Poore | 2001 |
3385, 2001, A phylogeny of the leptostraca (Crustacea) with keys to families and genera.
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65656 | Williams, E.H. Jr. and L.B. Williams | 1985 |
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119659, 2005, A new genus and species of gorgonian octocoral (Anthozoa: Plexauridae) from Antarctic waters.
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8700 | Williams, G.D., N.P. Kohn, W.H. Pearson and J.R. Skalski | 2005 |
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103444 | Williams, J. D. and C. B. Boyko | 2010 |
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106082 | Williams, J. D. and J.J. McDermott | 2004 |
106082, 2004, Hermit crab biocoenoses: a worldwide review of the diversity and natural history of hermit crab associates.
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4478 | Williams, J.C., J. Fischer and A. Palmer | 2001 |
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84263 | Williams, J.D. | 2007 |
84263, 2007, New records and description of four new species of spionids (Annelida: Polychaeta: Spionidae) from the Philippines: the genera Dispio, Malacoceros, Polydora, and Scolelepis, with notes on palp ciliation patterns of the genus Scolelepis.
Zootaxa 1459:1-35. |
99762 | Williams, J.D. | 2000 |
99762, 2000, A new species of Polydora (Polychaeta: Spinionidae) from the Indo-West Pacific and first record of host hermit crab egg predation by a commensal polydroid worm.
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115906 | Williams, J.D. | 2001 |
115906, 2001, Polydora and related genera associated with hermit crabs from the Indo-West Pacific (Polychaeta: Spionidae), with descriptions of two new species and a second polydorid egg predator of hermit crabs.
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3306 | Williams, J.D. and C.B. Boyko | 1999 |
3306, 1999, A new species of Pseudostegias Shiino, 1933 (Crustacea: Isooda: Bopyridae: Athelginae) parasitic on hermit crab from Bali.
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7456 | Williams, J.D. and C.B. Boyko | 2006 |
7456, 2006, A new species of Tomlinsonia Turquier, 1985 (Crustacea, Cirripedia, Trypetesidae) in hermit crab shells from the Philippines, and a new parasite species of Hemioniscus Buchholz, 1866 (Crustacea, Isopoda, Hemioniscidae).
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124074 | Williams, J.D. and C.B. Boyko | 2021 |
124074, 2021, Out on a limb: novel morphology and position on appendages of two new genera and three new species of ectoparasitic isopods (Epicaridea: Dajidae) infesting isopod and decapod hosts.
Zoosystema 43(4):79-100. |
8066 | Williams, J.D. and L.M. Schuerlein | 2005 |
8066, 2005, Two new species of branchial parasitic isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae: Pseudioninae) from hermit crabs collected in Singapore.
Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 118(1):96-107. |
124068 | Williams, J.D., C.B. Boyko and A.Z. Mada | 2019 |
124068, 2019, Branchial parasitic isopods (Crustacea: Isopoda: Bopyridae: Pseudioninae) of hermit crabs (Crustacea: Decapoda: Diogenidae) from the western Pacific, with descriptions of a new genus and three new species.
Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 67:83-118. |
126999 | Williams, J.D., C.B. Boyko and T. Moritaki | 2022 |
126999, 2022, Two new species of spheroid ectoparasitic isopods (Epicaridea: Dajidae) attached to the antennules of brachyuran crab hosts, with description of a new genus and species of hyperparasite (Epicaridea: Cryptoniscoidea).
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114139 | Williams, J.R. and R.C. Babcock | 2004 |
114139, 2004, Comparison of multiple techniques to evaluate reproductive variability in a marine bivalve: application to the scallop Pecten novaezelandiae.
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117210 | Williams, J.R. and R.C. Babcock | 2005 |
117210, 2005, Assessment of size at maturity and gonad index methods for the scallop Pecten novaezelandiae.
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126753 | Williams, J.R., M. Cryer, J.R. McKenzie, M.D. Smith, T.G. Watson, G. MacKay and R. Tasker | 2006 |
126753, 2006, Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2005.
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126754 | Williams, J.R., M.D. Smith and G Mackay | 2006 |
126754, 2006, Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2006.
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126744 | Williams, J.R., M.D. Smith and G. Mackay | 2009 |
126744, 2009, Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2009.
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126755 | Williams, J.R., M.D. Smith and G. Mackay | 2008 |
126755, 2008, Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2007.
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126756 | Williams, J.R., M.D. Smith and G. Mackay | 2008 |
126756, 2008, Biomass survey and stock assessment of cockles (Austrovenus stutchburyi) on Snake Bank, Whangarei Harbour, 2008.
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113556, 1979, Feeding ecology and behaviour of intertidal Portunid crabs (Portunidae: Brachyura) in Moreton Bay.
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97402, 1981, Growth of the saucer scallop, Amusium japonicum balloti Habe, in central eastern Queensland.
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100794 | | 2015 |
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100796 | | 2015 |
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100915, 2015, Polycarpa clavata. [Accessed 03/30/2015]. |
100917 | | 2015 |
100917, 2015, Pseudodistoma megalarva. [Accessed 03/30/2015]. |
100918 | | 2015 |
100918, 2015, Quadrella coronata. [Accessed 03/30/2015]. |
100923 | | 2015 |
100923, 2015, Sarcophyton glaucum. [Accessed 03/30/2015]. |
100924 | | 2015 |
100924, 2015, Sarcophyton tenuispiculatum. [Accessed 03/30/2015]. |
101552 | | 2015 |
101552, 2015, Aegires citrina - Nacktschnecke. [Accessed 05/11/2015]. |
101640 | | 2015 |
101640, 2015, Anacropora reticulata - Stony Coral. [Accessed 05/15/2015]. |
101665 | | 2015 |
101665, 2015, Cerithium scabridum - sea snail. [Accessed 05/15/2015]. |
102030 | | 2015 |
102030, 2015, Pseudobiceros ferrugineus. [Accessed 05/28/2015]. |
102043 | | 2015 |
102043, 2015, Nudibranchs (766). [Accessed 05/29/2015]. |
101801 | | 2015 |
101801, 2015, Bulla ampulla. [Accessed 05/21/2015]. |
101910 | | 2015 |
101910, 2015, Thorunna furtiva. [Accessed 05/22/2015]. |
101925 | | 2015 |
101925, 2015, Sea Shells (128). [Accessed 05/22/2015]. |
101979 | | 2015 |
101979, 2015, Seriatopora aculeata. [Accessed 05/27/2015]. |
102368 | | 2015 |
102368, 2015, Phenacovolva rosea. [Accessed 06/15/2015]. |
102369 | | 2015 |
102369, 2015, Periclimenes inornatus. [Accessed 06/15/2015]. |
102387 | | 2015 |
102387, 2015, Notodoris minor. [Accessed 06/16/2015]. |
102389 | | 2015 |
102389, 2015, Aegires citrina. [Accessed 06/16/2015]. |
102536 | | 2015 |
102536, 2015, Melibe viridis. [Accessed 06/17/2015]. |
102569 | | 2015 |
102569, 2015, Lamprometra palmata. [Accessed 06/17/2015]. |
102578 | | 2015 |
102578, 2015, Ianthella basta. [Accessed 06/17/2015]. |
102602 | | 2015 |
102602, 2015, Hiatavolva coarctata. [Accessed 06/18/2015]. |
102636 | | 2015 |
102636, 2015, Halgerda tessellata. [Accessed 06/18/2015]. |
102690 | | 2015 |
102690, 2015, Dofleinia armata. [Accessed 06/23/2015]. |
102694 | | 2015 |
102694, 2015, Feather Stars (30). [Accessed 06/23/2015]. |
102716 | | 2015 |
102716, 2015, Sponges (184). [Accessed 06/24/2015]. |
102736 | | 2015 |
102736, 2015, Stony Corals SPS (371). [Accessed 06/24/2015]. |
102825 | | 2015 |
102825, 2015, Hermit Crabs (80). [Accessed 06/29/2015]. |
103141 | | 2015 |
103141, 2015, Sea Pens (14). [Accessed 07/08/2015]. |
103437 | | 2015 |
103437, 2015, Brittle star (45). [Accessed 07/15/2015]. |
103925 | | 2015 |
103925, 2015, Champia parvula. [Accessed 07/23/2015]. |
104018 | | 2015 |
104018, 2015, Star Fishes (118). [Accessed 07/29/2015]. |
104035 | | 2015 |
104035, 2015, Anomura (39). [Accessed 07/31/2015]. |
104070 | | 2015 |
104070, 2015, Snails (331). [Accessed 08/04/2015]. |
104277 | | 2015 |
104277, 2015, Cycloseris costulata. [Accessed 08/14/2015]. |
104312 | | 2015 |
104312, 2015, Sea Cucumbers (57). [Accessed 08/18/2015]. |
104316 | | 2015 |
104316, 2015, Paraminabela aldersladei. [Accessed 08/18/2015]. |
104376 | | 2015 |
104376, 2015, Nembrotha livingstonei. [Accessed 08/25/2015]. |
104381 | | 2015 |
104381, 2015, Polycera risbeci. [Accessed 08/25/2015]. |
104383 | | 2015 |
104383, 2015, Chromodoris colemani. [Accessed 08/25/2015]. |
104385 | | 2015 |
104385, 2015, Hypselodoris kaname. [Accessed 08/25/2015]. |
104387 | | 2015 |
104387, 2015, Bornella stellifer. [Accessed 08/25/2015]. |
105270 | | 2015 |
105270, 2015, Shrimps (161). [Accessed 11/13/2015]. |
105355 | | 2015 |
105355, 2015, Crabs (233). [Accessed 11/20/2015]. |
105376 | | 2015 |
105376, 2015, Hermit crabs (82). [Accessed 11/23/2015]. |
107762 | | 2016 |
107762, 2016, Stylophora danae. [Accessed 04/27/2016]. |
107998 | | 2016 |
107998, 2016, Zoanthids (404). [Accessed 05/12/2016]. |
108001 | | 2016 |
108001, 2016, Stony Corals LPS (524). [Accessed 05/12/2016]. |
109035 | | 2016 |
109035, 2016, Sea Hares (25). [Accessed 07/05/2016]. |
111180 | | 2016 |
111180, 2016, Sea Fans (131). [Accessed 09/07/2016]. |
111189 | | 2016 |
111189, 2016, Corymorpha nutans. [Accessed 09/08/2016]. |
113729 | | 2017 |
113729, 2017, Sea Worms (89). [Accessed 03/01/2017]. |
113738 | | 2017 |
113738, 2017, Sea Squirts (129). [Accessed 04/01/2017]. |
100820 | | 2015 |
100820, 2015, Favia maxima. [Accessed 03/24/2015]. |
102494 | | 2015 |
102494, 2015, Mitra aurantia. [Accessed 06/16/2015]. |
102425 | | 2015 |
102425, 2015, Nemanthus annamensis. [Accessed 06/16/2015]. |
99536 | | 2015 |
99536, 2015, Starfishes (Sea Stars)-Asteroidea-Seesterne. [Accessed 01/29/2015]. |
102531 | | 2015 |
102531, 2015, Miamira sinuata. [Accessed 06/17/2015]. |
102681 | | 2015 |
102681, 2015, Erronea pyriformis. [Accessed 06/23/2015]. |
102689 | | 2015 |
102689, 2015, Doriprismatica atromarginata. [Accessed 06/23/2015]. |
102815 | | 2015 |
102815, 2015, Boergesenia forbesii. [Accessed 06/29/2015]. |
102872 | | 2015 |
102872, 2015, Phoronis australis. [Accessed 07/01/2015]. |
103538 | | 2015 |
103538, 2015, Pseudopaguristes monoporus. [Accessed 07/16/2015]. |
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104378, 2015, Nembrotha livingstonei. [Accessed 08/25/2015. |
100920 | | 2015 |
100920, 2015, Sabellastarte sanctijosephi. [Accessed 03/30/2015]. |
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