Haarukkapalasilli |
haberdine |
habitat |
habitus |
hachures |
hadal |
hadalpelagic |
Haddock chowder |
hadobenthic |
hadopelagic |
haemal spine |
haematophagus |
Hagfishes |
Hairyfish and tapetails or ribbonbearers |
Hakes and burbots |
half spent fish |
half-life |
Half-salted fish |
Half-saved |
half-sibs |
halfbeak stage |
Halfbeaks |
halieutic |
halieutics |
haline |
hallucinogenic fishes |
Halmahera Sea |
halo |
halocline |
halolimnic |
halophilous |
Halosaurs |
hammer-shaped |
Hammerhead sharks |
Hampen |
Hamsi macunu |
hamular |
hanyak |
hapantotype |
hapas |
haploid |
haptobenthos |
Hard cure |
hard roe |
Hard smoked fish |
hard water |
hard-copy |
Hard-dry |
hardness |
Hardware |
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium |
Hardy-Weinberg law |
harem |
Hareng saur |
harling |
harpoon |
harpooning |
Hartsalzung |
Harvard University Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, USA |
hastate |
hatch |
hatch box |
hatchery |
hatching |
hatching jar |
hatching trough |
hatchling |
haul |
Havyar |
Hawkfishes |
head |
head boat |
head clasper |
head crest |
head depth |
head length |
head rope |
head spines |
head width |
headed fish |
header |
headline |
headwaters |
Heavy fish |
Heavy salt |
Heavy salted |
Hebrew University, Jerusalem |
hectographing |
Heincke's law |
Heitreykt |
helical |
helophilous |
hemi |
hemibranch |
hemiplankton |
hemitrich |
hen |
hepat |
Hepaticae |
hepato |
hepatosomatic index |
herbicide |
herbivore |
herbivorous |
Heringsstip |
heritability |
hermaphrodism |
hermaphroditic |
hermatypic |
herpobenthos |
Herrings |
heteracanth |
hetero |
heterocercal |
heterodont |
heterodont dentition |
heterodontoid |
heterolecithal |
heterosis |
heterospecific |
heterothermic |
heterotroph |
heterozygosity |
heterozygote |
hexanchoid |
hiatus |
hibernaculum |
hibernation |
hiemal |
high island earthform |
high islet lagoon |
high islet ocean |
high period |
highly commercial |
hill |
hill(s) |
Hillstream loaches |
hindbrain |
hindgut |
Hingemouths |
Hirudinea |
histamine |
histogram |
histology |
Hokkaido University, Faculty of Fisheries, Minato-machi, Japan |
holarctic |
hole |
holo |
holoblastic |
Holocene |
Holocephali |
holoeuryhaline |
holomictic |
holopelagic |
holoplankton |
holosubantarctic |
holothurian |
holotype |
home range |
homeo |
homeosmotic |
homeostatic |
homeotherm |
homing accuracy |
homo |
homocercal |
homodont |
homodont dentition |
homoeotherm |
Homogenized condensed fish |
homogenous |
homogenous yolk |
homoiotherm |
homolecithal |
homologue |
homology |
homonym |
homonymy |
homoplasy |
homotherm |
homozygote |
horizontal classification |
horizontal length |
Horn sharks |
horny |
horny capsule |
Hoshi-Nori |
host-specific |
Hot marinated fish |
hot smoked |
hot spring |
hotspot |
Houndsharks |
hover |
Hudson Bay |
Humboldt State University, California |
humeral |
humeral process |
humeral scale |
humic lake |
Huss |
Hvidvirket klipfisk |
hyaline |
hyalodentine |
hybrid |
hybrid vigour |
hybridization |
hybridogenesis |
hydrated eggs |
hydric |
hydro |
hydrobiology |
hydrodynamic noise |
hydrograph |
hydrographic survey |
hydrography |
hydrohaline |
hydroid |
hydrology |
hydrophone |
hydrosaline |
hydrothermal vents |
hydrotroph |
hydrozoans |
hyoid |
hyoid barbel |
hyomandibular nerve foramina |
hyomandibular pores |
hypaxial |
hyper |
hyperbenthic |
hypercalcified structures |
hypercapnia |
hypereutrophic |
hyperhaline |
hyperlink |
hyperphagy |
hyperphyzation |
hypersaline |
hypersaline embayments |
hypertext |
hypertonic |
hypo |
hypobatic |
hypobenthile |
hypobenthos |
hypobranchial |
hypocercal |
hypochord |
hypodigm |
hypogean |
hypolimnion |
hypopyle |
hyporheic |
hypothetical concept |
hypotonic |
hypoxia |
hypoxic |
hypsi |
hypural |
hypural bones |
hypural crease |
hypural fold |
hypural notch |
hypural plate |
hypurals |