Gastropoda |
Nudibranchia |
Environment: milieu / climate zone / пределы глубины / distribution range
; пределы глубины ? - 12 m (ссылка 79924). Tropical
Indo-West Pacific: Sri Lanka to Indonesia and across to Japan.
Length at first maturity / Size / Weight / Возраст
половая зрелость: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm Max length : 3.0 cm TL самец/пол неопределен; (ссылка 844)
Characterized by the large, rounded, purple-tipped tubercles scattered all over the mantle. Mantle is yellowish, fading to white near the edge which has an irregular purple border anteriorly and a series of purple spots down each side. Rhinophores are also purple, with the upper half of the gills being lined with the same color.
Assumed maximum length from Ref. 844.
Life cycle and mating behavior
половая зрелость | размножение | нерест | Eggs | Fecundity | Larvae
Members of the order Nudibranchia are simultaneous hermaphrodites. Mating behavior: Both individuals darts their penis toward each other to induce one to act as a male and the other as the female. The victorious one to penetrate the body wall is the dominant male. Life cycle: Eggs are deposited on a substratum where they develop and hatch into (planktonic) vestigial veliger larval stage and further grow as adults.
Основная ссылка
ссылки | координатор | соавторы
Debelius, H. 2001. (ссылка 844)
Статус Красного Списка МСОП
(ссылка 130435: Version 2024-2)
Статус СИТЕС (ссылка 108899)
Not Evaluated
CMS (ссылка 116361)
Not Evaluated
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дополнительная информация
Trophic Ecologyпищевые объекты
состав пищи
потребление пищи
Food rations
Population dynamicsрост
Max. ages / sizes
Length-weight rel.
Length-length rel.
Размерный состав
Mass conversion
Life cycleразмножениеполовая зрелостьFecundityнерестEggsРазвитие икрыLarvaeдинамика численности личинок Human RelatedAquaculture profiles
Stamps, coins, misc.
ресурсы в Интернет
Estimates based on models
Low vulnerability (10 of 100).
Категория цены