Malacostraca |
Decapoda |
Environment: milieu / climate zone / пределы глубины / distribution range
донно-пелагический; солоноватоводный; пределы глубины 0 - 75 m (ссылка 367). Tropical, preferred 26°C (ссылка 107945); 35°N - 38°S, 98°W - 34°W
Western Atlantic: USA to Argentina.
Length at first maturity / Size / Weight / Возраст
половая зрелость: Lm 59.5  range ? - ? cm Max length : 13.9 cm CW самец/пол неопределен; (ссылка 367); 11.3 cm CW (female); наибольший возраст (опубликованны данные): 2.50 годы (ссылка 85497)
Carapace slightly more than twice as broad as long; 9 teeth on arched anterolateral margin 9outer orbital tooth and strong lateral spine included) progressively more acuminate laterally; outer pair of frontal teeth (excluding inner orbital angles) prominent but inner pair small. Much of convex dorsal surface lightly granulate, most prominently so on anterior and elevated areas and in transverse lines; central trapezoidal (metagastric) area short and wide (anterior width about 2 to 2.5 times, posterior width about 1.5 times length). Pincers dissimilar, ridged longitudinally; fifth legs flattened in form of paddles. Male with T-shaped abdomen reaching slightly beyond suture between thoracic sternites 4 and 5; first pleopods reaching beyond midpoint of thoracic 6, nearly straight distally except for merabranous tips usually bent ventrolaterally, armed with scattered, minute, mainly dorsal spinules and 2 to 4 subterminal, exceedingly slender, elongate sternomesial spinules. Color: variably olive to greyish blue dorsally, spines olive to indigo and white-tipped; pincers with variable blue to purple on upper and inner surfaces, olive to blue externally; legs predominantly dark blue to azure or greenish, underparts white. Some individuals are duller and some have a reticulate pinkish blue cast on the upper surface of chelipeds.
Minimum carapace width: 3 cm (Ref. 93549). Maximum length of female from Ref. 85497. Inhabits a wide range of habitats from muddy estuaries in mangroves and algae-covered broken shell bottom, to beaches and open ocean depths down to 75 m (Ref. 367). Also found on seagrass bare sand (Ref. 102062). Tolerant of salinities ranging from fresh to hypersaline. Feeds on mollusks, other bottom invertebrates, and some fishes, carrion and detritus (Ref. 367).
Life cycle and mating behavior
половая зрелость | размножение | нерест | Eggs | Fecundity | Larvae
Members of the order Decapoda are mostly gonochoric. Mating behavior: Precopulatory courtship ritual is common (through olfactory and tactile cues); usually indirect sperm transfer.
Основная ссылка
ссылки | координатор | соавторы
Tavares, M. 2003. (ссылка 367)
Статус Красного Списка МСОП
(ссылка 130435: Version 2024-2)
Статус СИТЕС (ссылка 108899)
Not Evaluated
CMS (ссылка 116361)
Not Evaluated
Угроза для людей
Использование человеком
рыболовство: коммерческий
FAO - рыболовство: landings | FishSource | Sea Around Us
дополнительная информация
Human RelatedAquaculture profiles
Stamps, coins, misc.
ресурсы в Интернет
Estimates based on models
Preferred temperature
115969): 23.3 - 28, mean 26.1 (based on 500 cells).
устойчивость к внешним воздействиям
высокий, минимальное время удвоения популяции до 15 месяцев (K=1.83; tmax=2.5).
Low vulnerability (16 of 100).
Nutrients : Calcium = 109 [35, 184] mg/100g; Iron = 1.59 [1.21, 1.97] mg/100g; Protein = 20.2 [19.2, 21.3] %; Omega3 = 0.285 [0.185, 0.386] g/100g; Selenium = 48.3 [-31.7, 128.3] μg/100g; VitaminA = 0 μg/100g; Zinc = 1.79 [1.17, 2.40] mg/100g (wet weight); based on
nutrient studies.