Pycnogonida |
Pantopoda |
Environment: milieu / climate zone / пределы глубины / distribution range
батидемерсальный; пределы глубины 1400 - 1586 m (ссылка 9). Temperate
Southwest Pacific: New Zealand (Ref. 9, 1847).
Length at first maturity / Size / Weight / Возраст
половая зрелость: Lm ?  range ? - ? cm Max length : 4.6 cm LS самец/пол неопределен; (ссылка 9)
Trunk fully segmented, first 3 segment posteriors with cowlings capped by low mediodorsal cones. Lateral processes longer than their diameters, with low conical dorso-distal tubercles. Neck as long as its diameter, oviger bases placed halfway between first lateral processes and expansion at chelifore insertion. Ocular tubercle broad, low, pointed lateral tubercles. Ocular tubercle low cone. Eye large, darkly pigmented. Proboscis elongate, longer than trunk length, cylindrical, without divisions, with rounded oral surface. Abdomen long, slender, inflated distally, extending to distal rim of fourth leg second coxae. Chelifore scapes 1 segment, cylindrical, curved inward, longer than twice their diameters, armed with few short distal setae. Chelae as atrophied bumps, carried retracted within scape tips. Palps 10 segmented, fifth segment, inflated, distal 5 segments slender, each slightly curved, with few ventral setae, some longer than segment diameters. Oviger 10 segmented, fifth segment longer than fourth; fifth and sixth segments with lateral rows of few setae. Strigilis well formed, segments short distally, with denticulate spines in the formula 13: 7: 6: 6, in two rows, spines with two lateral serrations per side. Terminal claw about 0.6 length of terminal segment, almost straight, without teeth. Legs fairly long; first tibiae the longest segments; longest segment armed with dorsal, lateral, and ventral rows of very short setae. Femur with fewer short setae; cement glands paired, each with single low cribriform pore. Tarsus 0.9 length of propodus, both armed with row of very short sole spines and fewer short dorsal setae. Claw slender, moderately curved, slightly more than half propodal length. Female slightly larger in all measurements except oviger, ocular tubercle smaller, tarsus slightly longer than those of male.
Maximum depth (Ref. 1847).
Life cycle and mating behavior
половая зрелость | размножение | нерест | Eggs | Fecundity | Larvae
Members of the class Pycnogonida are gonochoric and sexually dimorphic. During copulation, male usually suspends itself beneath the female. Fertilization occurs as the eggs leave the female's ovigers. Males brood the egg masses until they hatch. Life cycle: Eggs hatch into protonymphon larva then to adults.
Основная ссылка
ссылки | координатор | соавторы
Child, C.A. 1998. (ссылка 9)
Статус Красного Списка МСОП
(ссылка 130435: Version 2024-2)
Статус СИТЕС (ссылка 108899)
Not Evaluated
CMS (ссылка 116361)
Not Evaluated
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Population dynamicsростMax. ages / sizesLength-weight rel.Length-length rel.Размерный составMass conversionпополнениечисленность Life cycleразмножениеполовая зрелостьFecundityнерестEggsРазвитие икрыLarvaeдинамика численности личинок Human RelatedAquaculture profiles
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Estimates based on models
Low vulnerability (10 of 100).
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